What to do if my child had a blow to the head?

Niño con golpe en la cabeza

What to do if my child had a blow to the head?

It is very common for children at a certain age to throw some kind of tantrum or tantrum and hit their head, probably to express their anger or show their anger with a situation.

In addition, when babies begin to take their first steps, to explore everything in their path, it is very normal for them to hit their heads, but what to do when my child hits his head?

For minor bumps on the head, it is best to apply ice wrapped in a handkerchief to the area for a few minutes, taking short breaks.

If the blow is more severe, you should go to a medical service to be evaluated by a professional.

In case the child is sent home, we must be alert during the following 24 hours and be attentive to the warning signs and if he has lost consciousness we must check his level of consciousness every 2 or 3 hours, during the night if the child sleeps you have to wake him up to see if he is okay.

We have to keep in mind the following points.

Unusual behavior

Observe if the child is very irritable or excessively sleepy.

Abnormal movements

Observe if strange movements appear, lack of coordination in the movements of the feet or arms.

Eyes and look

Observe if he has any deviation in his gaze or his pupils are of unequal size.

If you have a headache, vomiting, loss of blood from the nose or ear or other of the symptoms described, it is necessary to go urgently to a hospital or emergency room.

Although this would hardly end in head surgery, a blow to the head of a child should always be taken with caution.